Welcome to Key Stage 1.
In Key Stage 1 our aim is to build upon the progress made in the Early Years Foundation Stage by continuing to provide the children with the skills they need to become effective independent learners. Our lessons focus on providing the children with every opportunity to engage with the National Curriculum (2014) enabling them to build and develop their skills in a safe and supportive learning environment. The children are able to demonstrate their positive learning behaviours (engagement, enthusiasm, independence, resilience and perseverance) through a wide and varied curriculum. We pride ourselves in helping every child to ‘thrive’ through weekly emotional and social development activities.
To assist your child’s transition into Key Stage 1, we have adopted an Enquiry based learning approach. This provides an opportunity for children to act as co-constructors of their curriculum.
Each year group follows a project or enquiry for a term or half term in all of their subjects. Within the project, the teacher plans for learning opportunities using children’s previous knowledge and their interests. The projects will cover elements of the national curriculum but are fundamentally cross curricular incorporating all aspects of learning where possible.
Through this approach, children are encouraged to research, investigate and problem solve to inform their learning. This approach encourages children to take ownership of their learning and become engaged, independent and motivated. All of which link to our schools learning behaviours.
The school day:
On arrival every morning, children complete handwriting, spelling and practical learning activities as well as their Read, Write, Inc. or Literacy lessons. Our children engage in a weekly extended writing opportunity where the children are given the chance to produce a longer piece of writing demonstrating all the skills they have learnt throughout the week. ‘Talk 4 Writing’ is also incorporated into our Literacy lessons which develops the children’s vocabulary and writing skills through practical fun activities. Children read every day in these lessons. Reading is an integral part of your child’s learning therefore we ask for your support in hearing your child read every night at home (remember to write this in your child‘s planner). Each child that reads every night at home will receive prizes using each classroom’s reading reward chart including an extra 5 golden tickets!!
Please ensure that your child’s planner is in school every day alongside their reading book.
Children are taught mental maths skills daily in our ‘daily practice’ session as well as Maths sessions that link to the national curriculum. Elements of White Rose allow us to deliver our mastery maths curriculum and meet the needs of all of our children.
During the afternoons children are able to apply their Maths and Literacy skills in their Enquiry lessons which focus on Science, History and Geography. Religious Education, Design & Technology and Art are taught during curriculum days or blocks. This gives children an extended opportunity to develop a project. Computing, PE (Physical Education), PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and Music are all taught in weekly discrete sessions. Children have weekly Library sessions where they can choose a book to share with you at home.
Homework: At the beginning of a half term, your child will receive a ‘choice’ grid (in their green homework book) including a range of Literacy and Maths activities. Some will link to your children’s enquiry topic. Each week children will complete a minimum of one piece of homework. This needs to be handed back to the class teacher on a Thursday. Feedback will be given and the book returned on a Friday. Your child will receive a golden ticket upon completion of each activity.
Your child in KS1 will receive a daily snack - this usually consists of a piece of fruit or vegetable. Children in Year 1 participate in a daily snack cafe to encourage independence and social development during snack times.
Why not check out some of the amazing learning in KS1 on our school Facebook page or Twitter feed!
Please see our Curriculum Overviews below for details on what will be covered for the forthcoming term: