Welcome to Key Stage 2
In Key Stage 2 our aim is to build upon the progress made in Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) by continuing to provide the children with the skills they need to become effective independent learners. Our lessons focus on providing the children with every opportunity to engage with the New National Curriculum (2014) enabling them to build and develop their skills in a safe and supportive learning environment. The children are able to demonstrate their positive learning behaviours (engagement, enthusiasm, independence, resilience and perseverance) through a wide and varied curriculum.
The school day:
Every morning children complete Handwriting, Maths, spelling and grammar activities as well as their daily Literacy lessons. Children are given the opportunity to produce longer pieces of writing demonstrating all the skills they have been learning. Opportunities are carefully planned to develop the children’s vocabulary and writing skills through practical fun activities. Children read every day in these lessons, they also share reading with their Class Teachers in Guided Reading sessions. Reading is an integral part of your child’s learning therefore we ask for your support in hearing your child read every night at home (Remember to write this in the planner). Each child that reads every night at home will receive an extra 5 golden tickets!!
In Key Stage 2 we use White Rose Maths plans which focus on developing fluency, reasoning and problem-solving using concrete, pictorial and abstract approaches to teach maths. Children are also taught mental maths skills and times table recall to support and develop fluency. Daily practice activities in our maths lessons also provides children with the opportunity to recall and embed previous learning.
During the afternoons children are able to apply their Maths and Literacy skills in their Enquiry lessons which focus on Science, History or Geography alongside Religious Education, Computing, Physical Education, Music, Art/Design Technology, Modern Foreign Languages (French), Personal, Social, Health, Education and Library. Weekly quizzes enable the children to recap on what they have learnt in these subjects, make links with previous learning and build on what they already know to extend their knowledge and understanding. Children have weekly Library sessions where they can choose a book to either read independently or share with you at home.
Oracy opportunities are planned into all lessons to provide a range of speaking and listening skills, behaviours and language necessary for effective communication and collaboration.
Children need to come to school in their PE kits on their designated PE Day.
Year 3 Beach Art
Please see our KS2 Curriculum plans for the forthcoming term below:
In Year 3-5 every half term your child will receive a menu of homework activities to choose from for Literacy and Maths, they will be expected to complete a Maths and Literacy activity weekly but can select whichever activities they want from the menu. Some activities will also be linked to Enquiry lessons. In year 6 children will receive maths and literacy homework on a weekly basis. Homework should be returned to school no later than Thursday each week to enable feedback.
Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school every day. Your child may also bring a healthy snack to school of their own choosing to eat during morning break.
Remember to check our school Facebook page or Twitter feed for amazing learning that is taking place in KS2!