What is E-safety?
E-safety stands for electronic safety. As the world and technology changes it is not about keeping safe on the internet anymore but also keepng safe on all new and emerging technological devices, for example mobile phones, games consoles, computers and televisions.
For more information on what we at Red Oak Primary School are doing to help make sure our children are safe online, take a look at the 'policies and links' tab and you will find our e-safety policy. Alternatively contact Mr Davey, our E-Safety lead or Mrs Warne, our E-Safety alternate.

Tik Tok Information for parents
Please click on the PDF for information regarding Tik Tok
What is Cyberbullying?
Cyber bullying (online bullying) is when a person or a group of people uses the internet, email, online games or any other kind of digital technology to threaten, tease, upset or humiliate someone else.
Click above to be directed to the childline Cyber bullying page. Here students and parents can find plenty of information on cyber bullying. There are safe forums where you can discuss any worries that you have and a link to enable you to talk directly to a professional who can help you.
Advice for parents on Cyber bullying can be found here.
A useful guide regarding online bullying can be seen by clicking on the pdf document below:
E-Safety links
Below are some very helpful links for parents and students, on different areas of e-safety.
We now use the Internet as part of everyday living, and with technology advancing all the time it is easier to access then ever before.
Unfortunately using the Internet can also have risks. Young people are more at risk of exposure to inappropriate or criminal behaviour if they are unaware of the dangers.
Some dangers include:
- viewing unsuitable content e.g. hate material, adult content, sites that endorse unhealthy behaviour
- giving out personal information
- arranging to meet an online 'friend'
- becoming involved in, or the victim of, bullying, identity theft, or making and sending indecent or illegal images
- spending too much time online (internet addiction), which can effect concentration, sleep and health
- copying information from the Internet or buying work from other people to use as their own.
(Please be aware that we have no control of the content that you may find on external websites)
Parents and Guardians: Please spend time exploring these websites with your children.
Click above to be directed to the childline play section.There are lots of great things for children to do in the Play section - you can play games, watch videos, try out the creative tools and get involved with ChildLine.
This website is part of the BBC information service targeted at young people to help them stay safe online. Here you will find lots of facts and tips about e-safety. It also has lots of tips on how to be safe, and case studies of children with real-life experiences of how things can go wrong.
A site all about the potential dangers on interactive services online like chat, IM, online games, email and on mobiles.
Click on the icons to read true stories and find out how to chat safely ...
We help children stay safe online. Has someone acted inappropriately towards you online, or to a child or young person you know? It may be sexual chat, being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or someone being insistent on meeting up. You can report it to us via the link above.
Information and advice about e-safety in Suffolk. Also gives an overview of the projects and activities of the e-safety strategy which aim to make Suffolk an e-safer place to be.
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre delivers a multi-agency service dedicated to tackling the exploitation of children.
The Vodafone Digital Parenting page is another great resource for parents to take a look at. There are guides to help parents with putting content control on mobile devices as well as Expert and Family views on technology today. Click the PDF file below to download the Digital Parenting magazine.