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PE and Sports at Red Oak Primary School

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Throughout the year, we offer our children many different after school clubs, such as; football, tag rugby, gymnastics, rock climbing, horse riding, gymnastics, athletics, cross country, bench ball, multi-skills, basketball and dancing. We change our sports clubs every half term, to give children more opportunities to try out different sports.



We are a competitive school and our school sports motto is ‘Believe to Achieve’. We have this motto printed on our team kits and the motto is also displayed around our school. We train hard, try hard and we never give up. Our sports teams compete in the local Lowestoft and Beccles Schools Sports Partnership competitions and we also have regular competitions against our neighbouring schools. Red Oak’s range of sports teams have won 113 first placed sports championships in the last 6 academic school years.

Active Learning Trust Tournaments

Our school is sponsored by the Active Learning Trust (ALT) for tournaments. The trust is made up of 7 schools in our area; Grove Primary School, Westwood Primary School, Reydon Primary School, Pakefield Primary, Albert Pye primay School, Ravensmere Primary School and Red Oak Primary School. The seven schools compete against each other in many different academy tournaments. The ALT tournaments are organised by the PE and Sports Department at Red Oak Primary School. Red Oak organises and hosts 40 competitive sports tournaments a year for children in the North Suffolk area.

The Golden Mile

We run a lunchtime club called ‘The Golden Mile’. The Golden Mile is a national scheme set up by the Premier Sports Organisation. The club encourages children to participate in lunchtime running events, where they collect points for their class. Each week the class with the most participants is awarded the Golden Mile Cup. The Golden Mile encourages children to become more active and it allows us to monitor the fitness of children within our school. We use the Golden Mile to collect data to show how our children are improving in their fitness. The Golden Mile is also led by our Year 6 student sports leaders. The Sports leaders organise the club and collect the data for the school database. Every child in years 1-6 undertakes three cardiovascular fitness tests a year so that we can highlight particular year groups and target groups that may need to try to improve their fitness.

School Houses

We have four sports houses at our school. All of our houses are named after British gold medallist Olympians. Every child in our school (from nursery up to Year 6) is placed in a sports house and the houses compete against one another every year to try and win the house cups at our annual sports day events. Our sports days are very competitive, with lots of gold, bronze and silver medals awarded to winning individuals. Our house cups are displayed in our trophy cabinet and each trophy is decorated with the winning house’s colours. Below is a list of our sports houses:

Seb Coe House (Red)

Kelly Holmes House (Blue)

Jessica Ennis House (Green)

Daley Thompson House (Yellow)

The Golden Mile England Athletice
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